
Pilot User

SACA is currently inviting all users to sign up as pilot users. This grants access to credentials that are still in the pilot phase and not yet approved. Since setting the cut score is part of the approval process, you cannot receive results or certificates for pilot credentials until after the approval process is complete.

Additional demographic information is voluntarily supplied by pilot users. This information, along with statistical analysis of all assessment results during the pilot phase is used to determine the cut score and confirm the validity of the assessment.

If you do not want to provide this extra data, please select No, and access the site as a non-pilot user. You will still have access to all approved credentials.


In order to ensure that SACA Certification emails arrive, you may need to add to your list of trusted senders/trusted domains in your email program.

If you are unsure about this procedure, search for your email program and trusted sender or you may contact your email service provider.

Account Information: (All the following information is required)

Pilot Information

The federal/state government requires the following information.

This information is encrypted. It is anonymous and can only be used by SACA.

Optional Information